2018 Executive Committee Nominations now Open

Nominations for the L.A. as Subject (LAAS) Executive Committee members are now being accepted. There are 4 seats that need to be filled for the incoming 2018-2020 Executive Committee term. Each member will take on one of the following roles:

  • Secretary - Takes notes at every general membership and Executive Committee meeting and distributes them via the LA as Subject listserv and website.
  • Programming & Education Lead - Works with other members to develop and coordinate workshops, training, lectures, and other events that advance the knowledge base of the members or inform the public about archive work and collections.
  • Archives Bazaar Committee Lead - Takes charge of the committee that develops the programming for the Bazaar and works closely with the event’s logistical team at USC and the LAAS Coordinator.
  • Publicity & Outreach Lead - Works on procuring content for the LAAS website and works with the USC Libraries’ Manager of Academic Events & Programming Communications in posting on the various LAAS social media outlets.
  • Membership & Nominating Lead - The Membership & Nominating Lead identifies members who can potentially serve on the LAAS Executive Committee and annually reviews general member qualifications.

Role assignments will be determined by the Executive Committee after the election.

Interested? Please complete the Executive Committee Nomination form here by Friday, May 11, 2018.


The primary responsibility of the Executive Committee is to plan the activities of LAAS for the coming year, based upon suggestions, interests, and concerns of the general membership, and guided by the Mission Statement. The Executive Committee may, at its discretion, establish or revise any number of ad hoc or permanent committees to achieve the objectives that fall within its responsibilities, especially as it related to the areas of membership; visibility and access; services to archives; research, scholarship, and collection usage and development; and advocacy.

For a more detailed description about the Executive Committee responsibilities and duties, please refer to the LAAS Charter, Sections III and IV. The charter can be found in the About section of the LAAS website.


The term of office for all elected officers shall run from the August 2018 LAAS meeting to the August 2020 LAAS meeting.

Questions? Email Angel Diaz at diazmariaangel@gmail.com.