

Search Results Summary


Bison Archives

Historical photographs and information on the history of Los Angeles and the Southern California area. Archive specializes in the history of the television and motion picture industry (studios) in the U.S. and Los Angeles specifically.Archive also has in it architectural history of the Los Angeles area as well.

Los Angeles United Methodist Museum of Social Justice

The Museum of Social Justice is located in La Plaza United Methodist Church, on the site of the oldest section of Los Angeles. The Museum’s historical collection consists of documents, photographs, artifacts, and other materials created by La Plaza Methodist Church at the beginning of the twentieth century. The collection features over 2000 photographs that capture the work of the founders of the…

La Senora Research Institute

Films, Recordings, Book Archives include the works of * Jose Mojica, Mexican opera star;" The Valentino of Latin Films". * Anita Loos and Mary Anita Loos Sale - Films, scripts, Books * Lyle Wheeler - Films * Leo Carillo - Films * Dolores Del Rio - Films The work/study program Interns from UCLA/LMU and Mt. St. Mary's have resulted in an LSRI program to acquire copies of works of the 1930's of…